New Products in Stock

Moses at The Old Home Place in Frankfort just received a compliment on one of the products his store carries. Jackie stopped by to say she loves the new ginger snaps. The Old Home Place has carried ginger snaps for a long time from the same distributor. The distributor gets them from different manufacturers for various reasons. It may be that a company closes, or changes its recipe, etc. The current ginger snaps are thinner, a little softer, and have the perfect flavor. In 2018 they sold 2,157 pounds. Maybe this year they can bump it up to 2160 pounds.

Casing Sausage in a rope from Falters is now a stock item. It just has a really good natural sausage flavor. There are a number of ways it can be prepared and none are wrong unless it’s raw or scorched!

The bakery began making cream horns recently. They are rolled, baked, and filled in the bakery. They are the number 1 single selling item right now. They’re trying to find that tricky balance between having fresh ones but not running out.

Mike Elliott